ADBT is foundationally an Indigenous Economic Development organisation and focuses on but is not limited to the features listed below:
- Small, Medium size enterprise development projects.
- Business investments including joint ventures
- Provision of statistics and demographics to assist potential and existing Indigenous businesses.
- Enterprise/entrepreneurial projects to benefit Indigenous communities in the Gulf.
- Promote and assist Indigenous Australians to establish or grow a business
- Liaise with the Regional Councils and State Government regarding issues affecting local business and the community.
- Encourage and assist local Indigenous businesses to expand.
- Encourage potential investors to locate, relocate or expand to or within the Gulf region in partnership with local Indigenous businesses.
- Assist residents and businesses to access government programs, services and funding.
- Encourage potential investment into the Gulf region through identification and promotion of our competitive advantages.
- Development of new projects that will strengthen new or existing business.
- Involvement in community and youth enterprise projects.
- Support value-adding within any industry in the Gulf region
- Diversification and/or marketing of a product/s produced in the Gulf
- Assistance with the establishment of a market/s
- Concept and idea generation
- Provide a referral service for development with existing or potential Indigenous businesses
ADBT is the leading organisation providing Indigenous business development assistance throughout the Gulf region. There are numerous tribal groups represented including:
- Mornington Island –
- Burketown –
- Normanton –
- Karumba – Gkuthaarn, Kukatj
- Doomadgee – Gungalidda, Waanyi, Mingginda